This is my town. I live here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Finally, a decent bar in Monrovia!

Ok, I know it's not in Old Town, but at least we now have a decent bar to hang in when the need arises. I attended the opening gala of the "new" Doubletree Hotel on Huntington Drive in Monrovia.

Even in the rain, it left a favorable impression on me as a place to come on some warm evening and sit by the pool. They have made an effort to place lots of lounge furniture both inside and out, and hopefully they will have good food. I didn't bring my camera and so can't post a picture at the moment, but will try to remember to get over there and shoot some pictures later on.


Blogger bruce said...

sounds great. let's all go sometime. first round's on me.

4:50 PM

Blogger bruce said... responses, sniff sniff hey! I took my monthly bath.

8:20 AM


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