Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Groceries in the Rain

This quest began because because, while shopping, I forgot that I was on foot, and loaded up my cart. When I got in line I realized I'd have to pack up the bag myself as the baggers always put about three items per bag. With the exception of a loaf of bread, I got it all in, but boy my back sure protested as I was walking home with it. It was raining pretty good and I had to take three breaks, huffing and puffing, before arriving at my front door.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Biodegradable food containers
I don't usually blog about products here, but this is so great I just had to mention it: Food containers that are biodegradable from Ecoproducts. I hope that manufacturers jump on the bandwagon with these. You can put them in your compost when you are done with them. No more need to put in recycling and hope that they are indeed recycled.
via Popgaget
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Land of Public Access
Last night I visited KGEM studios and learned all about what it takes to put on a show. It's interesting to me that the staffers are there to accommodate anyone and everyone who is at all interested in filming something and getting it on the air. They will even help you edit, and shoot it, and they have a very small stage for doing things on-site, but you need to bring your own props (they are always looking for donations). And it's all free!
My mind was filling with all sorts of ideas for shows, but in the end I think I'm too camera shy to be in front of it, despite my journalistic background. I've never liked the idea of being recognized on the street, though I'm happy to bump into people I know. I just with I had cable so I could see what some of the locals have been up to. I imagine it could be kind of addicting once you got started.
Oh, Noble Lawn Jockey

Inspired by Amanda's earlier photo of these guys, I walked down to the Pottery Ranch today.
I was really surprised to read this account of the history of the little guys. Created as a tribute to George Washington's slave, who froze to death standing at his post during the General's crossing of the Delaware. Lawn jockeys were used as a sign of an Underground Railroad safe house during the 19th Century.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thyme and snapdragons

I have discovered that thyme makes a fantastic groundcover, and it seems to grow very well in my garden. I think the Monrovia weather suits it. I have been adding herbs to a flowerbed outside my back door. It seems like an appropriate place for an herb garden, next to a kitchen. The snapdragons were in the bed already, and to give it more color I put in some freesia bulbs, which I am now enjoying by cutting them periodically and putting them in a small vase by my bed.

I still haven't been back to Dogwoods, but they have a new sign (photographed by Jerry), and it should get them more attention. I felt really strange the first (and the most recent) time I went in, because all the employees looked horribly bored and were focused on me. I could almost hear their silent something, please so we don't go crazy...
I love Skobee

Skobee, a brand new online planning app, is now in Beta and I love it. It's super simple, but effective. You can post your plans and invite people to see the details—date, time, place (including map), and who is invited. In addition, anyone can leave comments. The best part is that you can make your events public or private. For public events, it's possible to see which events and places rank as the most popular. A nice way to discover new places and let friends keep track of your plans!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Tonight's gorgeous sunset

I was stuck in traffic while seeing this in my rear view mirror. I had to pull over and take a snap. Unfortunately when you get off the freeway your POV is so much lower, but you can still get the idea about how gorgeous it was. Kind of makes you want to make up some crazy story about angels flying up in the clouds somewhere.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
An Evening of Tango

This is from the "El Adoquin" milonga in Downey on Friday nights. It is a shot taken from my table into the crowd of dancers. I hope that someday Monrovia gets its own Milonga. It's such a nice way to pass an evening. If it's of interest, I'd recommend my teacher, Yolanda Rossi. She's terrific, and the genuine Argentine article.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Bookins Book Swapping

Anyone interested in other online book resources should definitly check out this list of free e-books.
Driving down Myrtle
I rarely take the Myrtle exit off the 210 to get home, but I always tell people who are coming to visit me to take Myrtle, so they can drive through Old Town. The unfortunate part is that, as soon as you get off the fwy (at least when heading East), the first thing you see is an ugly chain link fence and lots of trash. Kind of embarassing for a city that has a great deal of pride in its appearance and amenities. I know that eventually there will be rennovation all along Myrtle to the train station area, but it seems a bit more could be done to make a better impression for visitors getting off the freeway.
Granted, I know that when the homeless are utilizing the leafy hillsides and staking out motorists, freeway exits can be mighty attractive, and they leave behind piles of paper cups and other bits of their existence. I wonder how this could be solved? Put in some kind of buried trashcan that they could deposit their refuse in? Who would empty it? Could some sort of giant vacuum duct be installed? I know, I'm really reaching here.
On a more pleasant note, I noticed what appeared to be a new cake bakery business on Myrtle. I will post pics when I get a chance. Any reviews would be welcome.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
My first fruit from my striped pink lemon tree!

I'm so excited as the first set of fruits didn't take, and I was worried the tree was in too wet of an area of my yard, but it seems to have made a go of it. I have planted several unusual fruit trees in my yard and this is by far the most unusual. The lemons on it are varigated, as are the leaves, and depending on where you look on the tree, they are either solid yellow, have yellow and green stripes or have stripes with a pink tinge. I hope they taste good.

I just can't stand it, this pup is so cute. I think I must have recommended Cute Overload before, but if I haven't, I predict that all you animal lovers out there will quickly become addicted. I know I am!
Sell handmade stuff online

Etsy is a new site that allows anyone selling hand-made goods to join in their group and sell online from their website. It's a very cool site and you can search for items in many different ways. The interface is fresh and interesting. I particularly like the map feature. I found a woman in Montrose who had just set up shop, but none from Monrovia yet. I know they are out there because I see them every Friday selling at the local street festival on Myrtle.
The Gloved Hand

So here we are again in an era of victorious viruses and bazillions of bacteria that are becoming more and more resistant. Apparently computer mice and gyms are some of the biggest germ gathering places, and I always cringe when I see those grime-coated children's playsets in a waiting room.
I'm not a germ phobe, far from it. But I do start to worry a little when I read about incurable staph infections. I also have to admit that I close my eyes and stop breathing when someone coughs near me during cold season. I want to produce a clean paper face mask and say, "Would you like one of these?"
So this comes to the point of my post, which is gloves. At one time in our history they were quite popular and stylish, and I would love for that to come back again. I think they had a purpose beyond keeping the hands warm—that would be to inhibit the spread of bacteria. Can you imagine, no more icky bathroom door handle worries, and shaking hands would be so much more pleasant. An added benefit would be that if you were going to touch your face, it would not be done unconsciously and automatically, but deliberately after de-gloving.
So what do you say? Hows about we bring back gloves in this era of strengthening germs. A 10-pack of plain white gloves should set you back only $12 or so.
And hankies, so nice to have for covering your mouth if you have to cough. No need to cough in your hand and then touch a door handle.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I just revisited and it's pretty cool. Kind of like Craig's List, Friendster and Myspace combined, and there are actually Monrovia listings in it. That made me very happy. You can create your own page (and your own blog), search for people's favorite things in many categories, from restaurants to shops to clubs, etc., look through the classifieds, and search for events happening daily. Check it out.