Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
The Golden Reindeer

Hardly anything cuter than a dog with antlers! So what if it's not
original? If I were in Alaska I'd be tempted to hook up a whole team
of antlered Huskies to a sleigh and right around showing them off.
But then, I'd probably be expected to wear green tights and team up
with a corpulent friendly guy in a red suit....
Slim Santa in Monrovia

Here's wishing you a Merry Giftmas this year! It's funny how around this time it seems like I see will see men who look like "Santa" everywhere: Walking down alleyways, shopping in Trader Joe's, and lately, ringing a bell in a red suit. Men with naturally fabulous white beards suddenly achieve a certain cachet at holiday time. And if they have a bit of a belly, suddenly they seem like the real Santa trying to avoid the limelight. I sense that they know what I am thinking as they scurry past me in regular clothes, trying to fit in with the rest of us, maybe not be noticed, and making only the obligatory but brief nod. They have a guilty pleasure in knowing that they suddenly can have bestowed upon them in abundance attributes that normally they may only harbor in meager quantity. Does looking like St. Nick make you feel more jolly, generous and benevolent? Will this expectation create the result? Do children run up to you with their Christmas lists and plates of cookies to bribe you? And so, this begs the question, why did you grow out such a fantastic white beard in the first place, if not to impress the eager populus at least once a year?
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Separated at Birth?

I noticed today that the King in the Nativity display on the corner
of Foothill and Myrtle looks remarkably like the scarey new Burger
King man. Even though their features aren't that much alike, and the
one in the Nativity has a much better complexion, there is something
about them...maybe it's just the crown...dunno....
Friday, December 23, 2005
Laser Surgery for Kitty
Oh dear, my kitty has polyps in his ear! I won't post a picture here as it's not that nice looking. They are grayish bumpy things and hard to remove from the convoluted ear canal. My vet is currently looking for a specialist for me that can do laser surgery. This type of surgery requires a high-degree of precision that lasers in the right hands can deliver. Naturally, I am worried for my cat, as he is the best cat in the whole world, and doesn't deserve to have a single moment of discomfort, and I am going to pursue all options. I certainly hope it doesn't come down to his losing his ear canal! This can cause all kinds of lopsided-effects for kitties. I would love to hear from anyone who has gone through this with their kitty, or anyone who can recommend a specialty veterinary surgeon. Maji, the king of kitties, will thank you!
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
Seems there is much contention this year about whether to use the Christian-friendly and traditional greeting of "Merry Christmas" or the more all-encompassing and muti-faith "Happy Holidays." I have pondered this for weeks now, and awoke this morning with an epiphany, though likely it's been thought of my others: My new phrase is going to be "Merry Giftmas." I like it because it really is more accurate in terms of what people spend their time doing: buying gifts and more (mas) gifts for each other; this, and it has a familar ring to it. Oh, I know that I will get the wrath of Christians for this, but not being one myself, I suppose I have to be true to what I believe, or rather, don't believe. I also know that it's lovely to see decorated trees and twinkly lights, but don't believe that this should be the sole claim of one religious group or another. The tradition of decorating a pine tree was adopted as a tradition before it became associated with the term, "Christmas." So, I say to you, "Merry Giftmas," and may your holiday be filled with plenty of pretty boxes to open!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Oh, Christmas Tree!

I got a night shot of the Monrovia Christmas Tree on the way to this
evening's Christmas Parade. It was my first Monrovia parade, and boy
was it small towny and popular! I barely got a spot on the curb.
Everyone seemed eager for it to start, and nearly all were friendly.
Practically the whole town comes out for this unassuming event. It
was fun to see the wee cheerleaders and baton twirlers and the
marching band kids trying to keep in step. It was really great when
someone would make an attempt at a costume or float, as so many did
not. Everyone seemed pleased to be there, and a lot of waving was to
be had from both sides. Unfortunately, I didn't get any snaps, as I
wasn't able to concentrate on picture taking. I brought my dog, whom
I must watch every second as she's crabby with stangers (I try to
take her out whenever it's remotely feasible so she's not stuck at
home). She's a squirmer, too, so my hands were full.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
They Love that Small Town Flavor
According to a recent article in the Pasadena Star News, a mixed use housing development has been approved for a 3-acre parcel currently occupied by Neff Instruments at Walnut and Myrtle avenues. The project is fairly close to the proposed Gold Line Station development, and is expected to include 136 residential units, 11 live/work units, and 7,800 square feet of commercial space. Apparently the developer, Carlsbad-based Barratt American Homes, has been impressed enough by the city of Monrovia's maintaining and further developing the area's small town flavor to pursue the $40 million dollor project here. The project should take about 2 years to complete.