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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Dog Park in Monrovia's Future?

Looks as if the city is finally going to consider the pros and cons of establishing a place where local residents can gather to watch their pooches romp. Some details from City Manager Scott Ochoa's weekly report.

Community Services Commission Subcommittee to Examine the Possibility of a Dog Park in Monrovia

Just a head’s up that, at the Community Services Commission Meeting this past Thursday, the Commission voted to establish a subcommittee to examine the merits of establishing an off-leash dog park in Monrovia. From time to time, we have heard requests for such a park from residents and dog owners. Like every other important issue, this one has two sides. There are those who enjoy their pets and like to have the social interaction with other dog owners that comes along with an off-leash dog park. And on the other hand, there are those that say we don’t have enough “people parks”, much less room for a dog park. The Committee will take all of this information juxtaposed to the challenges of maintaining such a park (given the noise issues, cleanliness, and other environmental matters). I look forward to the Committee’s report, as I am sure it will bring a great discussion.

Personally I feel as if dog parks are people parks, too!


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